Where Should You Use IDK?

IDK is often used when someone asks you a ‘do you know’ kind of a question. And you respond to such questions with an ‘IDK’ which simply means ‘I Don’t Know’. This is a simple way of telling the other person that you are not aware about the topic, content or situation they are talking about and cannot give any answer that would be helpful to them in any way.

How Should You Use IDK in a Message or On Social Networks?

It is no rocket science to use the acronym IDK as a response on any of the social networks or even in texting. The acronym IDK is self-explanatory as it simply means ‘I Don’t Know’. So if you don’t know anything about a certain question that someone has asked you, reply back with an ‘IDK’.

Examples for IDK

Example 1

Situation: You are doing your home assignment along with your friends. And there is this one math question that you just cannot solve. You ask your friends: You: Dee, do you know how to solve this one? I can’t solve it. Dee: IDK. I am still stuck at the first one.

Example 2

Friend 1: Someone told me that the shop was right opposite the mall. But I couldn’t find it. Any idea where it is? Friend 2: Nope, Idk, I have never been there. Friend 1: Oh-kay. IDK can be used in lower case, just how I have used it in this example. Writing the acronym in upper case or lower case does not change the meaning of the abbreviation. So whether you write IDK as an answer to a question that your friend just asked, or you write idk, it means the same.

Example 3

Stranger: Hi Nick, how are you? Nick: I am good. How are you? Stranger: Good too. (the strangers leaves the room. Nick turns to Peter, his friend.) Nick: Who was that? Peter: IDK, I thought you knew her. Nick: No I didn’t, in fact I have never seen her before in my office. Peter: LOL! Has this ever happened to you? When you’re at a wedding or an office event, someone you don’t know runs into you and starts talking. And your friends ask you who that was. Yeah, been there, done that. And believe it or not, the answer to ‘my’ peter was the same!

Example 4

Sometimes, I used IDK to tease my friends when they ask me anything.  For instance: T: What’s the time? H: IDK G: where is my phone? H: idk T: Who called? H: IDK G: Do you know anything? H: IDK^-^ IDK is my favourite acronym just by the way. I love writing idk instead of writing its full form that is, ‘I Don’t Know’. I am so used to using IDK in my text messages, that I even sent my Mother a message saying ‘IDK’, when she asked me where my sister was. Sometimes people use this acronym so much, that they also start using it in speech. I do too at times, well most of the times. Especially with my family. If someone asks me a questions, for instance, ‘where is Mom?’, I would speak out the three alphabets, literally like, ‘EYE(I) DEE(D) KAY(K)’.

Other acronyms like IDK

Besides IDK,  there are other acronyms too, which have the word ‘don’t’ in it, but is used for various other purposes. For example, IDC, which stands for ‘I Don’t Care’. This is yet another very popular acronym in my social circle and I myself, use this acronym A LOT when texting. How ‘IDK’ is for ‘I don’t know’, you can use ‘IK’ for ‘I know’. So when you know an answer, or know something about what the other person as asked you, or, are certain in any ways about what they have said, you can use the acronym IK. For example, when someone asks you, ‘It is so hot today’, you can reply to them with an ‘IK’, which here in this example will be like an affirmative to what they just said. When you seriously don’t care about something, or at least pretend to be serious, you can use the acronym ‘IDGAF’, which is short for ‘I Don’t Give A F***’. The F-word in this shorthand adds the ‘exaggerated’ factor to a phrase automatically. For example, When a friend asks you, ‘You were not invited to your best friend’s wedding? Are you serious?’ your reply to this would probably be ‘Yeah, so? IDGAF anyway.’

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