Don’t worry, the device being the cause doesn’t mean you have to switch your device. It happens to be rather temporary and is fixed momentarily via a few simple solutions. We will be discussing them thoroughly in this article. 

What causes the Netflix Site Error? 

The error pops up when you visit the website i.e visit the Browse page. Since the error appears as soon as you visit the browse page, this suggests that the issue is either with the browser you are using or the device you are using to browse Netflix. It is important to note that sometimes the issue can also be from the server’s end, however, the possibility is at the minimum. To list all the possibilities, the following can be a cause of the issue — Browser Cache or Cookies: When you visit a website, the browser stores temporary files of the website to display the site. At the same time, most of the sites use cookies in order to store important data about your visit. These two things can sometimes cause Netflix to not properly due to which you’ll have to clear them. Network Connectivity: Another cause of the error message can be your network connectivity. In such a case, you will have to restart your home network and then pay Netflix a visit again. Incompatible Browser: If you are using a not so notorious browser, the likelihood of it being incompatible with Netflix is high. Thus, in such a scenario, you will have to change the browser you are using.  Now that you are aware of the causes of the issue, we can jump into the solutions for the error message. Go through the below-mentioned solutions to get your issue resolved. 

Solution 1: Sign in using a Different Device

The first thing you need to do when you face the said error message is to use another device like your smartphone to browse the contents of Netflix. If you are able to do so without any issues, this means something on the device you were using prior to this is causing the issue. This can be due to browser cache or web cookies (solution given down below) as we have mentioned earlier. A background service can also be the culprit so make sure you are running something that can possibly cause the issue like a VPN or anything of the sort. 

Solution 2: Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

If you are able to browse Netflix on a different device successfully, then clearing browser cache or web cookies might fix your issue. Otherwise, jump to solution 3 provided below. 

Google Chrome:

To clear cache and cookies in Google Chrome, do the following:

Mozilla Firefox: 

Follow the given instructions to clear cache and cookies in Mozilla Firefox:

Solution 3: Use Compatible Browsers

In order to access the contents of Netflix, you will have to access the site using a compatible browser. If you are using a browser that is not compatible with Netflix, you will not be able to access the site. You can navigate to this page to see the compatible browsers and where to download them. 

Solution 4: Restart your Modem

If the issue persists even after trying all the above solutions, then, you will have to restart your modem. However, before doing so, make sure you power off your computer. Once done, unplug your system’s dedicated ethernet cable and restart the modem. Once the lights are stable and your internet light is back on, insert the ethernet cable and then turn on your computer. See if it fixes your issue.

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